VE6HRC Operational; Replacement is Complete

As of October 24 2024, the repeater VE6HRC at Millarville has been returned to operation.

As announced earlier, and in conjunction with the frequency change of VE6HRA at Aldersyde, repeater VE6HRC is on the air with it’s new frequency 147.000 MHz with a plus offset and both PL and CTCSS tone of 110.9 Hz.

In addition to the voice repeater, we’ve added an APRS Digipeater at the site. The digipeater tactical name is QUIRK and will provide good fill-in coverage into the broad McLean Creek recreational area.

Many thanks to Dale VA6DD and Vince VE6LK for the on-site support and assistance with the installation. Here’s your happy crew after the work was done, and the outcome of the project.

As one more reminder now that this big network change is complete, now is a good time to reprogram your radio memories to reflect these new repeater frequencies.