VA6CTV is not feeling well

The VA6CTV repeater in Calgary is not feeling well. It started feeling this way on June 14th. The characteristics of its illness are that the receiver is hard of hearing and the transmitter seems to be running with reduced output.

Due to pandemic protocols at the site it may take some time for repairs to be effected. 

Please view our entire repeater network and pick an alternate repeater. The next closest to Calgary is VE6HRA.

June 24 update: a receiver fault is the current suspect. A plan is in place for replacement, but will take a number of days to implement. Stay tuned…

Meeting location change starting in March 2020

Please note that due to enactment of Pandemic protocols at the Okotoks Firehall, FARS has relocated their meeting to the Okotoks Public Library an online format via Zoom on the same dates and times as usual. This change is in place until further notice.

Members receive a monthly email with the invitation. Guests are always welcome and may request an invitation by emailing the Secretary.

Winter Field Day – Jan 25-26 2020

Winter Field Day is fast approaching. It will be held in DeWinton at the home of Stephen and Ruth Whiley. The event itself runs from 1200h MT Saturday January 25 to 1200h MT Sunday January 26. Operators are needed for all modes. Volunteers are needed for set-up and tear-down. As we are operating a Home class station, the rules (pdf) are much more flexible on set-up ahead of time thus will be done on a schedule depending on the weather. There will be two additional antennas to erect: a 20/40/80m Fan Dipole and a dedicated 40m dipole. Operators required for Phone on 10m through 160m, CW on 40m and whatever other band is open, and Digital if someone has a station they can bring along. Snacks and drinks will be provided for volunteers and operators during the weekend and dinner will be provided Saturday evening. If you are able to help out please email fieldday at fars dot ca.

Update: Computer setup is on Saturday January 18th at 1130h – 1730h and all outdoor work on Sunday January 19th at 1300-1700h.

FARS Network Update – Mar 9

With thanks to Stephen, Ty, and Wade, the team and I made a trip through deep and drifting snow to the repeater network hub site. A provisional transmitter was installed, returning the network to an operational state, with the all repeaters linked again.

FARS Network offline Feb 10

Normally our network operates in a full-time always-linked manner. An equipment failure earlier today is impacting operations to the backbone of our network. All repeaters are operating in standalone mode. Please do not expect any linked functionality until we correct this issue.

Silent Keys

September 25

It is with regret that we announce the passing of Richard Coleman VE6BY on September 25 2018. Richard was a longtime member of FARS and our Saturday Breakfast crew. He was a kind and gentle soul that was quiet and would willingly lend a hand if asked. Richard started working at CFCN in 1965 and retired as VP of Engineering in 2008. He was well respected by his peers across Canada and he was given the WABE Bob Lamp Award for Engineering Excellence in 2007. His funeral will be held on October 5 in High River, details and directions are here;

September 24

It is with regret that we announce the passing of Stan Balkham VE6SCB. Stan was an early member of FARS and had not been active on air for some time. Stan passed on September 9 2018. A copy of his obituary can be found here;