Winter Field Day is fast approaching. It will be held in DeWinton at the home of Stephen and Ruth Whiley. The event itself runs from 1200h MT Saturday January 25 to 1200h MT Sunday January 26. Operators are needed for all modes. Volunteers are needed for set-up and tear-down. As we are operating a Home class station, the rules (pdf) are much more flexible on set-up ahead of time thus will be done on a schedule depending on the weather. There will be two additional antennas to erect: a 20/40/80m Fan Dipole and a dedicated 40m dipole. Operators required for Phone on 10m through 160m, CW on 40m and whatever other band is open, and Digital if someone has a station they can bring along. Snacks and drinks will be provided for volunteers and operators during the weekend and dinner will be provided Saturday evening. If you are able to help out please email fieldday at fars dot ca.
Update: Computer setup is on Saturday January 18th at 1130h – 1730h and all outdoor work on Sunday January 19th at 1300-1700h.