
FARS Operates repeaters that cover ~47,000 km2 of Southern Alberta with links to other adjoining and overlapping networks. Most repeaters are linked full-time to the network.

All Repeaters, IRLP Nodes, Digipeaters
Call SignLocationFrequencyToneNotesStatus
------ Linked Voice Repeaters
VA6CTVCalgary145.290-ENC/DEC 110.9NOTE: 110.9Hz PL & CTCSS coming Feb 2 2025yellow-button OK
VA6HRHHigh River443.550+ENC 110.9Local Coverageyellow-button OK
VE6CNPCrowsnest Pass145.490-ENC 103.5Not linkedgreen-button OK
VE6HRAAldersyde, Gladys Ridge145.190-ENC/DEC 110.9Note the new frequencygreen-button OK
VE6HRBNanton145.170-ENC/DEC 110.9Off Airred-button
VE6HRCMillarville147.000+ENC/DEC 110.9Note the new frequencygreen-button OK
VE6HRDBlack Diamond145.430-ENC/DEC 110.9Local Coveragegreen-button OK
VE6HRFCrossfield145.350-ENC 110.9NOTE: This repeater is off
VE6HRKBurton Creek146.700-ENC/DEC 110.9Not linkedgreen-button OK
VE6HRLLongview145.370-ENC/DEC 110.9green-button OK
VE6HRPBurmis145.390-ENC 110.9NOTE: This repeater is off
VE6UPLethbridge147.150+Not linkedgreen-button OK
------ Standalone Voice Repeaters
VE6FILCalgary444.675+C4FM Digital (VW & DN modes)green-button OK
VE6FARCalgary446.150ENC/DEC 110.9IRLP Node 1483green-button
VE6VPDAldersyde / Gladys Ridge145.470-green-button OK
------ Digipeaters
NANTONNanton144.390APRS Wide-2 Digipeaterred-button
FARS-2Coalhurst144.390APRS Wide-2 Digipeatergreen-button OK
BURMISBurmis144.390NOTE: This digipeater is off
QUIRKMillarville/Quirk Creek144.390APRS Wide-2 Digipeatergreen-button OK
BURTONBurton Creek144.390APRS Wide-2 Digipeatergreen-button OK
HIRIVRHigh River144.390APRS Wide-2 Digipeatergreen-button OK
------ Winlink Nodes
VE6FARCalgary431.000Winlink Node: VARA FM Wide modeThis node supports both AX.25 and VARAgreen-button OK
VE6FAR-10Calgary431.000Winlink Node:
1200 baud AX.25 packet
This node supports both AX.25 and VARAgreen-button OK
VE6HRA-8Aldersyde431.000Winlink 1200 baud digipeatergreen-button OK
VE6HRH-8High River431.000Winlink 1200 baud digipeatergreen-button OK